Custom-tailored statistical research to fit your company's needs
Cookie-cutter research will not typically give you the answers you need for managing your marketing efforts. If you have worked with research firms in the past, either directly or through an agency, it's a good bet that you have found many examples of research results that may have been "interesting" but were difficult to interpret or impossible to act on. For this and other reasons, a large fraction of all market research generated at great expense winds up sitting on shelves, collecting dust.
Your company, its products and services are unique. This is why you need a flexible and experienced statistical research team capable of quickly understanding your needs and able to design data collection instruments and conduct surveys that deliver information you can act on.
The DFC Group operates on the principle that the best decisions are based on the best data. Conducted properly, statistical research provides tools for prediction and forecasting and is applicable to a wide variety of commercial sectors and academic disciplines. Statistical methods can be used to summarize or describe a collection of data (descriptive statistics); in addition, patterns in data may be modeled in a way that accounts for randomness and uncertainty in the observations, and then used to draw inferences about the process or population being studied (inferential statistics). Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics together comprise applied or predictive statistics.
The DFC Group has the experience necessary to understand your statistical research needs and to design and deliver the best research solutions to meet your needs
Direct-to-you statistical research projects
We have expanded our services in order to bring our expertise directly to small, medium and large companies -- without the need to go through a full-service advertising, marketing or research agency. The benefits are significant as by working directly with you, we can save your company time and money. Additionally, accuracy of information becomes a factor. Since we are not in a position of potentially "losing your ad account" we have no vested interest in what may the research we conduct on your behalf might reveal. We provide the raw data you require to make the best decisions possible.
The various types of custom statistical research required by your company can vary widely, depending on the following factors:
• Company and product strategy
• Type of campaign(s) / marketing activities
• Your current and proposed markets (local, national, international)
• Target audiences/age groups
• Your competitive environment
• Timing of introduction of new products and services
• Your current and projected market share
While every study we conduct is customized to the needs of our client, the following provides an overview of some of the more commonly requested projects:
Customer Loyalty & Satisfaction Research
Important questions regarding what customers like or dislike is invaluable and key to future success. In addition, finding out what actually worked to attract them and make them your customers -- and what is making those customers you lose leave -- is vital. Discovering which of your marketing, PR and production activities are working and which are not informs what parts of your business need to be strengthened and which activities may be unnecessary.
Competitive Research
Find out first-hand about your competitors' strengths and weaknesses and what their customers think of your products. With the right questions, you will be able to gain extensive knowledge about the people who are buying from your competitors. By finding out what they thing about your company's competitive positioning, you can learn what it will take to potentially make them YOUR customers.
Product Analysis & Acceptance / Feasibility Studies
Many marketers can provide at least one personal experience of launching a new product or service without the benefits of research. The result: A painful, costly process of trial and error that yields expensive failures more often than successes. A well-designed advance research study can save you enormously, not just in time and dollars but in harm to your company's reputation.
Before you waste thousands or millions of dollars in product development, tooling, manufacturing and advertising, it is essential to discover if the market you are pursuing will respond favorably to your product; and if so, what segment of the market, at what price point, in what form...vital questions that will determine crucial allocation of funds and resources. The DFC group has experience that can be used to help you negotiate the minefield of product introduction to a more predictable and more favorable result.
Positioning Studies
Finding the proper images that instantly communicate the value, quality and desirability of your products means greater mind-share and awareness of your company/product in the marketplace and ultimately better market penetration. Positioning is the art of instantly communicating the advantages of your products and services compared to your competitors'. This technique is vital in a world where consumers are bombarded with thousands of messages each day.
To more effectively reach your buyers and keep them from tuning out, positioning research will discover the best images to use in your branding, advertising and marketing. This proven scientific approach replaces guesswork with knowledge, based on actual responses of real customers and potential customers. This is one of the most critical tools to use in marketing.
Media / Press Research Studies
What does the industry media know about your company and its products? Discover what type of climate you are promoting into. Do you have a hostile or favorable press profile? Learn how to utilize the existing climate to your advantage. This valuable information can assist you in designing more effective public relations campaigns favorable to your company.
Demographics Research
What market segments are available for your product? Which ones are genuinely receptive to your message and why? You might find you have prospective customers you were unaware of -- or that you are wasting your marketing dollars reaching out to groups who won't buy regardless of the investment you deploy to communicate to them. The DFC Group will help you target your marketing dollars to make your limited budget more efficient.
Market and Industry Forecasting
Determine the current market or industry status, conditions and attitudes and how they will affect and shape the future of your product or service.
These are just a few examples of the types of research projects available to you through the DFC Group. Contact us today to determine the type of research that's right for your company.
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